Han Chiang UC Graduation Exhibition | The Blooming

We're excited to share about an upcoming exhibition, The Blooming Graduation Exhibition, organised by Han Chiang University College of Communication! The exhibition will feature works from students in the Bachelor of Arts (Honours) in Creative Multimedia.

Here are the details of the exhibition:

  • Date:1-2 April 2023
  • Time: 11am - 6pm
  • Venue: COEX @ Kilang Besi


This exhibition follows the theme of a "blooming moment", which represents the culmination of experiences throughout their college/university life. The "Bloom" symbolises a seed of creativity that has experienced years of growth, and is finally ready to bloom. The blooming also parallels showing the works, ideas and creativity to the public, just like when a beautiful flower blooms, revealing the beauty that it has been preparing in its petals.

Want to know more? Then check out their Instagram:


and we hope to see you there!

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