As part of IIUM's Applied Arts and Design society's 20th anniversary, Rtist Creative Platform was invited to provide a creative profiling workshop for the final year students of Kulliyyah of Architecture & Environmental Design (KAED)This group consisted of students majoring in Interior Design, Industrial Design and a really special course, Heritage, Conservation & Technology. 



This creative profiling workshop aims to help creative students create an online portfolio and profile, minimizing the need to create a whole website or store in google drive to showcase their creative works to future employers. 

Upon completion of today's workshop, students learnt how to optimise their creative portfolios to showcase their unique talents, with professional guidance to support them in building their amazing personal branding on Rtist Creative Platform.



Highlights of the Workshop

🌟 The creative profiling workshop started off with a brief introduction of Rtist Creative Platform, covering the profile & portfolio features, web features and tools. 

🚀 Highlighting the importance of professional presentation of past works through digital portfolio showcase. 

✨ Students of IIUM's Kulliyyah of Architecture & Environmental Design (KAED) also had the chance to build their Rtist portfolios during the workshop.

🌐 Students also enjoyed some additional tips and tricks on applying job strategies. 


We are very proud of the students' hard work and creativity! Rtist will continue to support them in their work and help them achieve their career goals.

We're super grateful for the support and enthusiasm the students showed in the workshop session. You deserve a big thank you for your enthusiasm and dedication. 

Looking forward to continue supporting all of you in your creative career journeys.


Additionally , mark Your Calendars for Exciting Workshops and Activities!🗓️

There will be other exciting creative workshops, exhibitions and booths from the 28th to 31st May 2024 as part of Applied Arts & Design Week 2024. Come on down to check out the student's works. 


📌For more updates on the events organised by IIUM Department of Applied Arts & Design, be sure to follow the official Instagram page for the event: @designextkaed

Don't miss this chance to celebrate the artistic achievements of these talented graduates, alumni and creative professionals of the University



👉 Portfolios of fellow IIUM Graduates here: IIUM Alumni Here

👉 More Rtist Blogs