From honing your skills to navigating the industry landscape, there's a plethora of challenges and opportunities along the way. In this blog post, we'll delve into the insights gained from real-life experiences, offer practical tips for aspiring creatives, and even conduct a mock interview with an APIIT student to shed light on what it's like in the professional world.

Highlights of this workshop:

🚀Profiling and showcase: Tailored for graduates, this workshop empowers you to refine your amazing artwork, they can unlocking the full potential of the Rtist platform. Inspired to actively leverage the tools and resources provided by the Rtist platform to showcase the distinctive charm of their unique artwork.

🌐Define Your Audience: Explore strategies to define target audiences and convey personal brand messages in uniquely compelling ways.

A short mock interview: We’re helping student can pratice and don’t be so panic before graduate, let them know how to introduce themselve while facing different type of employers. Be prepared.


APIIT student are seeking out Internships and full time job ppportunities: Internships are invaluable for gaining real-world experience and building your network. Don't hesitate to seek out these opportunities, even if they're unpaid or low-paying at first.

Here Rtist provide creative hiring day for students to look for their dream jobs. 🌟 Rtist Creative Hiring Day. Beyond the workshop, creating opportunities for those seeking full-time or internship positions between March and June. This initiative enables talented individuals to efficiently discover job opportunities and connect directly with thousands of companies.

📝 Fill up the form Creative Hiring Day and let opportunities come to you!

Heartfelt thanks to Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology (APIIT)  for providing this incredible opportunity. Embarking on a creative talent journey as a student at APIIT is a thrilling adventure filled with opportunities for growth and learning.! 🌟